Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Friends come... and friends go....

With much encouraging from most of you all... my best friend and I have parted ways.
All of the handouts basically forced me to drop her like a bad habit. I've met someone new to roll around with. She's cool! I like her... she'll just take some getting used to. She's really fast... but clean and wholesome as well. She's classy but still carefree. Sometimes she even lets down her hair to feel the wind blow through. I'm sure we'll take pictures during one of our adventures... when we do, I'll be sure to share!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Lets Chat....

I know you've all have heard news stories on the saga called Michael Vick.
I know that some of you are dog lovers. Me... I'm afraid of them... don't like any animals for that matter. If it's not human... i'm standing far away... heck, even some humans i'm scared to be near. With that said... just because I'm not fond of four legged creatures doesn't mean that I would condone the grusome sport. Quite frankly... I think it's just gross. If Vick is guilty then I do believe he should receive the proper punishment. However, I do feel that he's doesn't stand a fair chance. The public has already labeled him guilty... before he's even pleaded his case. Thousands of people have turned out in support of his demise. All this over dogs? Funny thing is... i've never seen this type of reaction when something happens to a human. Just think of how much better society would be if Americans reacted this way about everything... maybe we'd have a better education system. Maybe there would be less crime, maybe.... just maybe laws to protect children from sexual predators would be a whole lot better. Again... I know that some of you love your pets like they're your family. I've read so many articles on how Michael Vick should never play in the N-F-L again. I don't understand it.... should the man not be able to work? He has to take care of himself. There are people who are roaming the streets as I write this who have done far worse things... they've done their time ... and now are productive members of society. I could see if Vick was appointed by the people to play in the N-F-L.... then we should be able to decide if he plays again. Playing football is his job. He worked hard for it. Should you automatically be fired if you got arrested over the weekend for a D-U-I. Should your college degree from Harvard be revoked because if someone found out you'd be an embarassment to the Ivy Leauge University? What about people who beat their wives.... I could name a couple of sports figures arrested for spousal abuse... their still playing... where's the outrage there. One of the things that's supposed to be so great about this country is our justice system.. "Innocent until proven guilty." But it seems Vick has already been labeled a Con-vick!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Wild & Crazy Fun!

My friend Erica and I have vowed that over the next few months we are going to have "Wild & Crazy" fun. We keep having conversations about it but we really don't know where to begin. When we both look back over the few years we've been on this place we call earth.... we've both led pretty lame lives. Going out to clubs... and standing in a few different spots throughout the night is about as "Wild & Crazy" as our lives get..... (Besides our work schedules)We don't want to do anything illegal, dangerous, or damaging to our reputations..... we're just single girls that wan't to have fun. We both work crazy schedules but we have vowed to fit "FUN" in!
Any Advice? Maybe we'll try some of your ideas out and post pics!