Saturday, February 24, 2007

Trying to Change.....

I tried, and I'm trying.... I really am. You have to beleive me! But some people cause people who are trying to revert back to old ways. Seeing Tyler Perry's "Daddy's Little Girls" got me to thinking about this guy I went out with..
However, for you to get this story I have to tell you a little about me. You see just like a lot of young, smart, attractive women with confidence.... I HAVE STANDARDS! Yes, I had "The List".... you know the one where the man of my dreams had to meet a long list of requirements. But..... with the lack of potential candidates I decided maybe I needed to change my ways. You know give others a chance. With that said I began my new adventure at the start of 2006. Believe me I've met my share of characters. For instance the liar who was married with three children ( he said he was divorced with one).... and I host of other shall I say ummmm. .... IDIOTS that I shall not waste another minute blogging about.
Which all brings me back to "Daddy's Little Girls." Tyler Perry hit it dead on with the ghetto guy in the restuarant. My date was a little different, but yet funny all the same. For the sake of not embarassing this guy anymore than he does on his own... I'll keep his name to myself.
When I met this guy he used the lame line "Do I know you from somewhere?" I should have ran then, but my feet was helping me keep my promise of being open to new possibilities and wouldn't let me move. Plus he was a cutie and had a body like he invented the word gym. After a little chit-chat I told him I needed to get to work. We exchanged numbers and I headed off to work. I usually don't work on the weekends but I was filling in for someone. Anyway, hours into the evening I got the second sign telling me I should run....... This dude sent me a text message two text long. It went a little something like this:
I'm not sure if you'll be tired when you get off but if you're not maybe we can catch a movie? If that's not possible we can go to breakfast in the morning, church, or meet up at a sports bar if you are into football, or none of the above......
I guess I took a little too long to respond, because before I could text him back he was calling. My friends convinced me to go ahead and meet him at the movies, however before I could get home, get dressed, and get out the door this dude had called me like five freakin times!
The first time he was trying to chat...... I'm like dude... I'm getting dressed. The second time he called to ask if I wanted a sandwhich from Chick-fil-a.... and the other calls was to see had I left the house yet! Damn, he was already getting on my last nerve. I have to go back..... A SANDWHICH FROM CHICK-FIL-A what the hell! This is a first date! Fast forward to the theater. I'm standing out front and I see him walking up.... I'm noticing something in his hands. I was really confused because it really didn't look like flowers. Why did this dude hand me two hot bottle of Propel... talking about "put these in your purse so we'll have something to drink during the movies! LOL..... at this point I think I was in shock.... Propel in my Betsy Johnson! Please, If I wanted something to drink that bad I'd buy it myself. Anyway, once inside the theater he kept looking at me and smiling.. it was just weird.

It was a late movie and because I hadn't eaten dinner we wen't to Steak 'n Shake beacuse nothing else was open. We ordered, and we talked, and talked, and we talked. Waitress brought the bill, and we talked, waitress came by the table, still talking, he picked up the bill looked at it, sat it down pulled no money out of his pocket... still talking. By now I'm my jaws hurt. So I toss my debit card on the table. He even had the nerve to comment on it... "Oh... are you a Miami Dolphins fan?" What he should have said was.......oh... no I got that... are you ready to go? I was enjoying your company so much that's why I hadn't paid.... he should have said something like that.
By this time I was so ready to go. To keep this short let's skip to the following Monday. The text read....... I'm low on minutes and they don't start over until tomorrow...... in a minute I'll text you a number where you can call me..... twenty minutes later here comes the number... I know he's not expecting me to call a pay phone. Two minutes after the text... here he comes calling ... You didn't get my text? Again.... What in the hell? Lets just say that phone call lasted less than 60 seconds... and all the ones after that were rolled to voice mail until he got the hint! Needless to say... I tried, and I'm still trying. Ladies and Gents can you relate? Hit me up in the comments if you can.


mjspade said...

Wow that was an interesting read, he seemed like one crazy person. Glad to see you got rid of the fool.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!! Girl I don't believe him!! I was reading your blog with my hand over my mouth in SHOCK! The nerve of that buster! That's why I don't even SEE the dudes in Miami--Most of them have the same mindset--inviting you out on a date and expect you to foot the bill. I.just.Don't.Get.It.

Paula D. said...

Girl, I am dying laughing!!!!

Anonymous said...

You should have told him that you were going to the bathroom,and instead you should have called a cab to come and get you and leave that BUSTER to BUST some suds by himself,and the NERVE...expecting you to BETSY ask risk of possibly getting damaged with some 2 dollar water......this dude needs some serious help!

Anonymous said...

You should have told him that you were going to the bathroom,and instead you should have called a cab to come and get you and leave that BUSTER to BUST some suds by himself,and the NERVE...expecting you to put BETSY at risk of possibly getting damaged with some 2 dollar water......this dude needs some serious help!

Elle* said...

LOL! Stop it! What happened to the house phone?

Anonymous said...

hahahahahaha.....Welcome to todays black