Saturday, August 23, 2008

fun fly fab

Sunday, December 23, 2007

The new employee............ a funny email I received


To hoom it Mae cunsern,

I waunt to apply for the reporter job what I saw in the paper. I can Type real quik wit one finggar and do sum a counting.

I think I am good on the phone and no I am a pepole person, Pepole really seam to respond to me well. Certain men and all the ladies.

Im lookin for a Jobb as a reporter but it musent be to complicaited.

I no my spelling is not to good but find that I Offen can get a job thru my persinalety. My salerery is open so we can discus wat you want to pay me and wat you think that I am werth,

I can start imeditely. Thank you in advanse fore yore anser.

Hopifuly Yore best aplicant so farr.


BRYAN nikname Beefy

PS : Because my resimay is a bit short - below is a pickture of me.

Employer's response...

Dear Beefy-I mean Bryan ,

It's OK honey, we've got spell check. You're hired.

SaNTa'S gOt A New SLeIGh....

I spotted this as I was leaving the grocery store parking lot the other night.
Looks like santa was getting an early start on deliveries. Like the PAPS... I tried to snap a pic as fast as I could but he was traveling at the speed of light.
It seems he's ditched the flying reindeer for something with a motor... trimed in Christmas lights. Sorry I couldn't get a pic of the wreath hanging on the grill.
Hope your Holidays are great... Enjoy!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Things that some people do.....

Some people do things just to be different. They think because it's different, it's a wonderful idea. Sure, someone else may have thought of your far out idea..... but it's a reason they didn't act on it. I must say the lady who did the work in the pictures below is talented. But the customers request takes the cake..... literally!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

10 things that make me go UMMMM?

I WONDER... when will Trina stop making music?

I WONDER... when will the War in Iraq be over?

I WONDER... if the black family can bounce back from years of breakdown?

I WONDER... why is it that all the food that actually taste good is not good for you?

I WONDER... with all the influence that BET has... why not use it for the betterment of the black community?

I WONDER... if President Bush ever realizes how stupid he sounds sometimes? And if it bothers him that so many people don't respect him as the leader of this country in America and abroad?

I WONDER... if we'll ever fly like "The Jetsons"?

I WONDER... if Tyler Perry ever turns Madea on in his everyday life? lol

I WONDER... do all of these devastating wildfires and hurricanes signal the end of life as we know it on earth is near?

I WONDER... how long will it take for the economy to get back on track?

*** I WONDER... what's on your mind?... Share your thoughts in the comments.****

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Friends come... and friends go....

With much encouraging from most of you all... my best friend and I have parted ways.
All of the handouts basically forced me to drop her like a bad habit. I've met someone new to roll around with. She's cool! I like her... she'll just take some getting used to. She's really fast... but clean and wholesome as well. She's classy but still carefree. Sometimes she even lets down her hair to feel the wind blow through. I'm sure we'll take pictures during one of our adventures... when we do, I'll be sure to share!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Lets Chat....

I know you've all have heard news stories on the saga called Michael Vick.
I know that some of you are dog lovers. Me... I'm afraid of them... don't like any animals for that matter. If it's not human... i'm standing far away... heck, even some humans i'm scared to be near. With that said... just because I'm not fond of four legged creatures doesn't mean that I would condone the grusome sport. Quite frankly... I think it's just gross. If Vick is guilty then I do believe he should receive the proper punishment. However, I do feel that he's doesn't stand a fair chance. The public has already labeled him guilty... before he's even pleaded his case. Thousands of people have turned out in support of his demise. All this over dogs? Funny thing is... i've never seen this type of reaction when something happens to a human. Just think of how much better society would be if Americans reacted this way about everything... maybe we'd have a better education system. Maybe there would be less crime, maybe.... just maybe laws to protect children from sexual predators would be a whole lot better. Again... I know that some of you love your pets like they're your family. I've read so many articles on how Michael Vick should never play in the N-F-L again. I don't understand it.... should the man not be able to work? He has to take care of himself. There are people who are roaming the streets as I write this who have done far worse things... they've done their time ... and now are productive members of society. I could see if Vick was appointed by the people to play in the N-F-L.... then we should be able to decide if he plays again. Playing football is his job. He worked hard for it. Should you automatically be fired if you got arrested over the weekend for a D-U-I. Should your college degree from Harvard be revoked because if someone found out you'd be an embarassment to the Ivy Leauge University? What about people who beat their wives.... I could name a couple of sports figures arrested for spousal abuse... their still playing... where's the outrage there. One of the things that's supposed to be so great about this country is our justice system.. "Innocent until proven guilty." But it seems Vick has already been labeled a Con-vick!