Friday, March 30, 2007

Hip- Hop Lives!

Although I love Jay- Z, don't believe him, nor Nas when they say Hip- Hop is dead.
According to this video it's alive.... and kicking!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Do You Love Yourself?

In a day in age where people are bombarded with images of what we should look like, what we should have, and how we should think, It's important that you keep yourself grounded. If God wanted us to all be alike, he would have created us that way. By no way I'm I conceited, but I must say that my parents raised a highly CONFIDENT young woman. Instead of trying to conform to how the world thinks I should be, I embrace who I am. We should all take the time to apprciate our uniqueness, and what we LOVE about ourselves. Here's a few reasons why I LOVE ME!

1) I LOVE being a Black Woman!
2) I LOVE my optimistic outlook!
3) I LOVE my ability to see the good in everything!
4) I LOVE my willingness to trust!
5) I LOVE that I'm always smiling!
6) I LOVE that I don't fall into the stereotypical image of what beauty is!
7) I LOVE my personality!
8) I LOVE that I'm not afraid to take risk!
9) I LOVE that I have a GREAT relationship with my parents!
10) I LOVE that I don't just conform, and that I can be my own person!
11) I LOVE my sense of style!
12) I LOVE that I LOVE life!

I could go on, and on about what I LOVE about myself..... But I'll stop here to give you an opportunity to share what you LOVE about you!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Decide for yourself.......

As a follow-up to yesterday's post here is the response from Starbucks.....

Hello Kimberly,

At Starbucks we are dedicated to serving every customer regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, creed, religion or physical ability.

Starbucks does not have, and has never had, a Non Urban Dictate (N.U.D.) policy, because it would be counter to our culture, mission and guiding principles. One of those principles is to "embrace diversity as an essential component to the way we do business." This dedication to diversity was recognized in 2005 by Diversity, Inc. Magazine when Starbucks was named one of the "Top 25 Notable Companies of Diversity."

Starbucks actively partners with Earvin "Magic" Johnson's Development Corporation to enhance the development of Starbucks retail stores in ethnically diverse neighborhoods across the country. The initial focus of the joint venture is African American and Hispanic American communities. Currently, more than 90 retail locations have been created through this partnership, and each reflects the fabric and character of the neighborhoods they serve.

At this time, our primary means of advertising and promoting the Starbucks brand is through our retail store locations. When we do advertise, we strive to direct our advertising toward the diverse population of people we serve in our stores worldwide. We also team with community newspapers and regional media outlets to advertise and promote Starbucks and employment opportunities with the company.

Thank you again for sharing your thoughts with us. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact us at or call 1-800-235-2883 to speak with a Customer Relations representative.


Suzanne M.
Customer Relations
Starbucks Coffee Company

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Getting Down to the TRUTH!

As a Woman, and a Black Woman who works in the Media I feel it's my Journalistic duty to make sure minorities are well informed.
Because if we aren't... we lack, when we lack we fall behind..... and falling behind eventually leads to our demise.
A lot of you may have recently read an email circulating on the World Wide Web discussing a marketing term known as N.U.D.,said to be an acronym for "Non Urban Dictate." Here's a copy of what I received Below:

NUD (Non Urban Dictate)
Tom Joyner wants this information to reach his listeners.....
You have probably heard of "NUD" as a result of the Tom Joyner morning show related to CompUSA. NUD is the acronym for a very subtle and little-known marketing term specifically directed toward people of color.
NUD stands for Non Urban Dictate. These three words essentially mean that a company is not interested in the Black consumer. A NUD label means that a company does not want their marketing and advertising materials placed in media that claim an urban audience(black folks)as their main target. There are legitimate reasons for companies not using urban radio.
It may be that Blacks don't index high in certain categories or that a company's strategy is to market to the Black consumer down the road after they have established a strong position in their primary target.
But NUD usually means that a company is not interested in the Black consumer. Companies evade discrimination liability by embracing it as theory rather than policy.
As a service to Black consumers, the Urban Institute will list all companies that have a NUD policy. Armed with this information, we feel that Black consumers will be able to make informed buying decisions.
Companies with NUD policies:
a.. Starbucks
b.. Jos. A Bank
c.. CompUSA
d.. Weight Watchers
e.. Keebler
f.. Life Savers
g. Continental Airlines
h.. Northwest Airlines
i.. America West Airlines
j.. HBO - Apollo Series
k.. Paternal Importers
l.. Calico Corners
m.. OM Scott
n.. Pepperidge Farms
o.. Ethan Allen
p.. Busy Body Fitness
q.. Mondavi Wines
r.. Builders Square
s.. Don Pablo
t.. Lexus
u.. Aruba Tourism
v.. Ciba Vision
w.. Kindercare
x.. Grady Restaurant
y.. Eddie Bauer

Please forward this information on to any other consumer that you consider a friend and advise them to do likewise. Remember, we can't act wisely unless we are informed wisely.

The Urban Institute
2100 M Street, NW.
Washington , DC 20037

After much research I found that this information was posted all over the Internet.
Some sites debunked it as a mere chain letter, while others took it to be the truth as if God had spoken himself. So I decided to go straight to the "alleged" writers of this message. Here's what they had to say:

Non-Urban Dictates
April 5, 2002 — "The Urban Institute, a nonprofit, nonpartisan research and educational organization, has been incorrectly cited in circulating e-mail and fax lists of companies with "non urban dictates," or N.U.D.s (NUDs). The email and fax incorrectly cite the Urban Institute as the organization that compiles or maintains the "NUD list."

The Urban Institute is not in any way associated with the purported research or with any supposed list of companies with NUDs, and never was. It has nonetheless been inundated with inquiries.

The Urban Institute was wrongfully credited with maintaining the "NUD list" four years ago, thanks to what is assumed to be a misspelling of Urban Insite—an organization that once claimed responsibility for the NUD list. Later iterations of the circulating email include the Urban Institute's address, phone number and Internet address. The fax version includes falsified Urban Institute letterhead.

As a response to numerous phone inquiries, the Urban Institute has dedicated a special phone line to explain the issue at (202) 261-5779."

You can also check it out here for yourself. Urban Institute

I also check out Tom Joyner's site and there was no mention of the email.
There's always two sides to every story..... and as a "confessed- addicted- shopper," some of the places on this list I frequent often.
As a journalist I'm taught to go to the source.... stay tuned for their takes!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

What's your taste.... umm, umm GOOD!

Everybody's tastebuds are different when it comes to what type of arm candy they like. Earlier today I read an article discussing relationship patterns, and things women are attracted to, and what your attractions say about you. This got me to thinking about the type of men that I like. Although I like to think variety is the spice of life.... when I think about it, just about every man I've ever been attracted to has had similar qualities. From regular Joes, to my celebrity loves. I like men who exude confidence, one who walks like he owns the world. Well dressed is a must, but an original swagger of your own is needed. One who's well rounded, that can go from the Board room to the Basketball court and still get respect. A sence of humor, loyalty, respect and honesty also topped my list. The man I like does this all while staying cool, calm, and collected. He also must have class.
What I learned is that I like men with Power, but take it in stride. Below is a couple of my celebrity crushes over the years, can you see the resemblence in my attractions from what we know about their public lives?

Shaquille O'neal Shawn Carter

Sean Combs Barack Obama
Ladies and Gents feel free to share with us your favorite treat!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Is This The Ennnnnnnnnnd.......... (in the tune of New Edition)

Ever tried to hold on to a friendship and the other person starts to let go their end of the bargain? We've been the best of friends for almost 10 years, our anniversary date is May 5th to be exact. We're the type of friends that has stood by each other through thick and then.... you know Thelma and Louise, Bonnie & Clyde, Dolce& Gabanna..... okay, maybe I went a little to far... but you get the point. Now all of a sudden my friend wants to act up. Out of almost ten years we've never argued once. We always had each others back. We've been on so many trips, shouldn't that count for anything? Numerous trips to Miami, Tallahasse, Jacksonville, and Tampa when we moved to Miramar. We have history! Now you want to turn your back on me when I need you the most. I can admit that I may have neglected my friend sometimes when she wanted to go to the beauty shop and I convinced you to go every place but there. And I'm truly sorry. I tried to make it up to you last month I spent almost $800 on you. But no, that's not enough. Yesterday You asked for $200 more, and I dished that out too. Now today you're asking for $200 dollars again! Plus, I have to miss work? I'm really trying to hold on to this friendship for selfish reasons yall, .......... cause I'm not ready to buy a new Car! I guess it's true when they say.... "When it rains, it pours!"