Thursday, June 7, 2007

Hard to believe.... she's all grown up....

They say "time flies when you're having fun." How about changing it to "time just flies." Last Thursday evening I attended my baby sister's high school graduation... it's hard to believe she's done with that portion of her life. You see, I remember my mom being pregnant with her. I remember the day she was born like it was just this morning. I remember when she learned to dance, her first words, her first day of school, and when she lost her first tooth. It's like she was my very own kid.
I'm so proud of her! Chynna's so talented her possibilities are unlimited, she's always been our little star. All weekend I kept trying to look at her as a young adult. I thought about how grown up I thought I was when I graduated from high school and tried to treat her the way I thought she wanted to be treated... but I failed. Riding in the car I still reached over and pinched her cheeks (she frowned), I still grabbed her arm to use as a mic while singing (she snatched it back). These are the things I've done to her since she was small. I could only imagine how my parents feel...maybe proud, a sense of accomplishment, but i'm sure they're a little confused at to what to do with their big "baby" as well. For now I've concluded that not much will change... it will be a long struggle for us to treat her as the woman she's becoming while looking at her as our baby girl.


Paula D. said...

Awwwwww! Very sweet!

Anonymous said...

so so true...and from what I've read you all did a good job. She's beautiful.

Elle Jefe said...

First time stopping to your blog, I like it. I have a brother that is 13 years younger than me and I know exactly what you mean. I remember dressing him up like a doll when he was little now he's 16 about to drive and way taller than me. Congrats little sis!

Shelly- Mom Files said...

I sure do know what you are feeling. I have experienced the same thing several years ago. I also have that problem of only remembering youngsters as that, youngsters. Hard to see them grow up and realize I am getting older! LOL!

Anonymous said...