Sunday, December 23, 2007

The new employee............ a funny email I received


To hoom it Mae cunsern,

I waunt to apply for the reporter job what I saw in the paper. I can Type real quik wit one finggar and do sum a counting.

I think I am good on the phone and no I am a pepole person, Pepole really seam to respond to me well. Certain men and all the ladies.

Im lookin for a Jobb as a reporter but it musent be to complicaited.

I no my spelling is not to good but find that I Offen can get a job thru my persinalety. My salerery is open so we can discus wat you want to pay me and wat you think that I am werth,

I can start imeditely. Thank you in advanse fore yore anser.

Hopifuly Yore best aplicant so farr.


BRYAN nikname Beefy

PS : Because my resimay is a bit short - below is a pickture of me.

Employer's response...

Dear Beefy-I mean Bryan ,

It's OK honey, we've got spell check. You're hired.

SaNTa'S gOt A New SLeIGh....

I spotted this as I was leaving the grocery store parking lot the other night.
Looks like santa was getting an early start on deliveries. Like the PAPS... I tried to snap a pic as fast as I could but he was traveling at the speed of light.
It seems he's ditched the flying reindeer for something with a motor... trimed in Christmas lights. Sorry I couldn't get a pic of the wreath hanging on the grill.
Hope your Holidays are great... Enjoy!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Things that some people do.....

Some people do things just to be different. They think because it's different, it's a wonderful idea. Sure, someone else may have thought of your far out idea..... but it's a reason they didn't act on it. I must say the lady who did the work in the pictures below is talented. But the customers request takes the cake..... literally!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

10 things that make me go UMMMM?

I WONDER... when will Trina stop making music?

I WONDER... when will the War in Iraq be over?

I WONDER... if the black family can bounce back from years of breakdown?

I WONDER... why is it that all the food that actually taste good is not good for you?

I WONDER... with all the influence that BET has... why not use it for the betterment of the black community?

I WONDER... if President Bush ever realizes how stupid he sounds sometimes? And if it bothers him that so many people don't respect him as the leader of this country in America and abroad?

I WONDER... if we'll ever fly like "The Jetsons"?

I WONDER... if Tyler Perry ever turns Madea on in his everyday life? lol

I WONDER... do all of these devastating wildfires and hurricanes signal the end of life as we know it on earth is near?

I WONDER... how long will it take for the economy to get back on track?

*** I WONDER... what's on your mind?... Share your thoughts in the comments.****

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Friends come... and friends go....

With much encouraging from most of you all... my best friend and I have parted ways.
All of the handouts basically forced me to drop her like a bad habit. I've met someone new to roll around with. She's cool! I like her... she'll just take some getting used to. She's really fast... but clean and wholesome as well. She's classy but still carefree. Sometimes she even lets down her hair to feel the wind blow through. I'm sure we'll take pictures during one of our adventures... when we do, I'll be sure to share!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Lets Chat....

I know you've all have heard news stories on the saga called Michael Vick.
I know that some of you are dog lovers. Me... I'm afraid of them... don't like any animals for that matter. If it's not human... i'm standing far away... heck, even some humans i'm scared to be near. With that said... just because I'm not fond of four legged creatures doesn't mean that I would condone the grusome sport. Quite frankly... I think it's just gross. If Vick is guilty then I do believe he should receive the proper punishment. However, I do feel that he's doesn't stand a fair chance. The public has already labeled him guilty... before he's even pleaded his case. Thousands of people have turned out in support of his demise. All this over dogs? Funny thing is... i've never seen this type of reaction when something happens to a human. Just think of how much better society would be if Americans reacted this way about everything... maybe we'd have a better education system. Maybe there would be less crime, maybe.... just maybe laws to protect children from sexual predators would be a whole lot better. Again... I know that some of you love your pets like they're your family. I've read so many articles on how Michael Vick should never play in the N-F-L again. I don't understand it.... should the man not be able to work? He has to take care of himself. There are people who are roaming the streets as I write this who have done far worse things... they've done their time ... and now are productive members of society. I could see if Vick was appointed by the people to play in the N-F-L.... then we should be able to decide if he plays again. Playing football is his job. He worked hard for it. Should you automatically be fired if you got arrested over the weekend for a D-U-I. Should your college degree from Harvard be revoked because if someone found out you'd be an embarassment to the Ivy Leauge University? What about people who beat their wives.... I could name a couple of sports figures arrested for spousal abuse... their still playing... where's the outrage there. One of the things that's supposed to be so great about this country is our justice system.. "Innocent until proven guilty." But it seems Vick has already been labeled a Con-vick!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Wild & Crazy Fun!

My friend Erica and I have vowed that over the next few months we are going to have "Wild & Crazy" fun. We keep having conversations about it but we really don't know where to begin. When we both look back over the few years we've been on this place we call earth.... we've both led pretty lame lives. Going out to clubs... and standing in a few different spots throughout the night is about as "Wild & Crazy" as our lives get..... (Besides our work schedules)We don't want to do anything illegal, dangerous, or damaging to our reputations..... we're just single girls that wan't to have fun. We both work crazy schedules but we have vowed to fit "FUN" in!
Any Advice? Maybe we'll try some of your ideas out and post pics!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

The End Is Near

I've been so busy... the time pasess so fast. I've been planning on writing but I just never get around to it. My friend has been acting up again. I tell you, she has showed her butt. I'm trying to hold on.... but she's really forcing me to end this relationship. You guys may remember my post about our relationship earlier this year titled "Is This The Ennnnnnnnd" Well guys.... she'a sking for money again. Sixty dollars last Thursday, $150 dollars on Monday.... and she's still not sastisfied. All week she's been at her new friends house. When I try and talk to her she's not responding. I guess it's over guys, I guess our friendship is through.
I guess it's time for a new CAR!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Little J. Hud....... Jennifer Hudson better watch out... A new Dream Girl is on the horizon!

Check out the trailer for Dream Girls 2.... comming to a theater near you in 2020. This is too Cute.

Stone Ages

If I offend anyone... accept my apologies in advance. I can't tell you how many times last week I thanked God I grew up in a big city... not a big city in a small town. As I traveled to my family reunion... I was reminded that everyone doesn't have the same luxuries. Things I couldn't fathom living without they don't even seem to know exist. I can't remember the last time I went inside a gas station for gas. As long as I've been driving I've been able to pay at the pump. I believe I was in Titusville, Georgia when I encountered this. Not only did we have to pay inside... after were moved from pump to pump we helped them realize they were out of premium gas. They'd probably been out for days... being that not to many people in the town purchased it. All I can say is WOW! A few hours later I was hit with a throw back
armored truck..... again... I was left speechless.

Friday, June 29, 2007

What Is Love?

I'd have to admit..... I have never truly been in love. But I've seen many examples over the years. This guy's love speaks voulmes. Read the story below... then watch. I was brought to tears.

"The Proposal"

This guy Rob said God was unfolding a vision in his life over the span of about a year and then he put faith to feet and made it happen. Rob and Keisha dated for about 4 years. And he knew that she was the one...but he had to save up for all that God had prompted him to do for her. So in short what you are about to see happened on April 28th....he rented out 10 rooms at the Ritz Carlton in Buckhead and invited about 50-60 people to be there for this special night...Keisha had to go from room to room and in each room were people who were special to them....his boys...her girls...her Bible Study group....his parents...her parents..etc. and everybody in each room had questions that she had to answer to be able to move to the next room and before she left each room the people there would pray over you have to watch each room to see how that about the roses....Keisha's aunt recently passed suddenly and she loved roses so he bought some and had them dipped in gold because of the stories in the Bible about Solomon and how everything was dipped in gold and the song that you hear playing in the background was the same song that was played at Keisha's aunt's funeral, she was like a second mom to Keisha.

When Rob was asked what he was thinking and how it felt...he said that he was kicking and screaming all the way. not because he did not love Keisha and want to marry her....but because of the time, money, and stress that was spent doing this. Rob, put his house up for rent and saved for her ring and this night and he did it out of obedience...

"I have spent the past year of my life piecing together a vision given to me by God. On April 28th, 2007 that vision was fulfilled. My labor of love for the woman I love." Robert Gray, Jr. Watch "The Proposal."

Just Beautiful.... tell me what you think.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

They've Got Me.... I've Been Tagged!

Give me a break.... this is my first time... so if I screw it up, I'm saying sorry in advance!

The Rules: Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write their own blog post with their 7 things as well as these rules. You need to tag 7 others and list their names on your blog. Remember to leave a comment for them letting them know they have been tagged and to read your blog.

1. I'm a Journalist.
2. I'm not as snobby as I used to be.
3. I could eat plain French Fries for every meal.
5. If I were rich I'd still work.
6. I've always wanted to live in New York City.
7. I've never been drunk

I have tagged the following friends:(Be sure to check out their sites!)

Paula D- Ghetto Economics
JJ6412- mischiefmakersLisa C- Lisa C Writes
Staralicious- myalicious
Fasy- Nomore a girl, Not yet a Woman!! A Taste Of My Lifesylviahubbard1- How to Love A Black Woman

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Why Bobby.... Whyyyyyyyy?

Bobby Cutts Jr. Has been arrested. Put behind bars. Locked up! He's charged with two counts of Murder. A body believed to be that of Jessie Davis was found yesterday. Jessie was 9 months pregnant. Police have not said what evidence led them to take Bobby Cutts into custody... but I'm sure they had something substantial. All week long I defended this man, I do not know him but something made me feel that he was not the guy. I guess he fooled me. He just didn't have the look of a man who would kill. When he spoke it didn't sound like he was trying to conjour up emotion.. Bobby Cutts sounded sincere.
Just like Jessie's mother I was hoping it was not him. Why Bobby Cutts... Why? If you didn't wan't another child....there were many steps you could have taken before being charged for murder. Like.... birth control pills, condoms, vasectomy, or better yet not cheating on your wife! I know that he'll never read this but this is for all the other men who one day might find themselves in a Bobby Cutts Jr. type of situation. They didn't get O.J. But Bobby they got you.... and you will PAY!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Hard to believe.... she's all grown up....

They say "time flies when you're having fun." How about changing it to "time just flies." Last Thursday evening I attended my baby sister's high school graduation... it's hard to believe she's done with that portion of her life. You see, I remember my mom being pregnant with her. I remember the day she was born like it was just this morning. I remember when she learned to dance, her first words, her first day of school, and when she lost her first tooth. It's like she was my very own kid.
I'm so proud of her! Chynna's so talented her possibilities are unlimited, she's always been our little star. All weekend I kept trying to look at her as a young adult. I thought about how grown up I thought I was when I graduated from high school and tried to treat her the way I thought she wanted to be treated... but I failed. Riding in the car I still reached over and pinched her cheeks (she frowned), I still grabbed her arm to use as a mic while singing (she snatched it back). These are the things I've done to her since she was small. I could only imagine how my parents feel...maybe proud, a sense of accomplishment, but i'm sure they're a little confused at to what to do with their big "baby" as well. For now I've concluded that not much will change... it will be a long struggle for us to treat her as the woman she's becoming while looking at her as our baby girl.

Monday, May 21, 2007

I finally got a piece of the piiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee!

I know, I know... it's been a while... but I've been busy and the weeks have stormed by. Anyway... about a week ago I celebrated my 1st anniversary as a homeowner. Last May I decided to give it a go and stop paying an enormous amount for rent. It took me four months to find a place, and get a mortgage. What an experience that was. I swear my mortgage broker was the most incompetent person in the whole wide world! He was a nightmare! For months I followed up on emails and calls.. his customer service was at an all time low. But in the end it was worth the wait. Few things have ever felt better than the moment I picked up the keys to my condo. My mom was with me, I just wish my dad could have come to town to share the moment as well. To some my place is rather small. But it's enough room for me, and it's mine. It's in a great community, and everything I need is just a hop, skip, and jump away. (except for the mall... but that doesn't matter cause where there's a will there's a way!)When I moved in the walls were just white.... but with the help of my imagination,, and The Home Depot... I transformed it into a jewel box.
Welcome to my home!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Who's the blame?

"Rappers routinely defame and demean black women and call them worse names than I ever did." Don Imus

Lets get this straight, rappers did not invent "Nappy Headed Hoe's." Honestly I doubt Don Imus even listen's to rap music. I've heard the term "Hoe" on many occassions in songs... but "Nappy Headed"... I can't recall.

The comments made by Imus were not made in fun.... if that's what he intended then he should be old enough and wise enough to know those words are not funny to some.

Yes, rap lyrics need to be re-evaluated. But, it's not responsible for the moral decline of America as everyone tries to make it seem.

"Hoes are rustlic
Daddy's in the house
We got hoes and hoes and hoes
Prices so low
We pratically given the coochie coo away
Shake that booty, Shake that booty
Its not a bake sell, its a cake sell
God Damn It."
Kid Rock- Pimp of the Nation

Some fuckin' attitude
I can't believe what you say to me
You've got some attitude
Inside that bitter brain
There's gotta be a whore
If you don't shut your mouth
You're gonna feel the floor, yeah!"
Guns N' Roses- Attitude

"If you're a little lovesick
Woman I got the cure
Let me be your preacher
And you can be my whore
I feel your heart pumpin honey don't say not
I wanna dive in your river
Take you down real slow
And then your body will quiver
And the river will flow"
Bon Jovi- River of Love

The lyrics from every one of these songs could be deemed offensive to women by some.
All are by white men.... none are rap.

I write this to show we can all find fault in something to point a finger as the source of blame.

Let's stop pointing fingers!

Parents- Spend time with your kids. Listen to what they listen to. Know what's going on in their world. Don't let the television and their friends raise them.

Men- Treat every woman as you would like for a man to treat your sister, mother and grandmother.

Women- Stop disrespecting yourself.

During Oprah's two day "What Now" discussion everyone blamed the men. Not one person pointed a finger at the women. If that girl in Nelly's "Tip Drill" video didn't ALLOW him to swipe a credit card through her but cheeks we would have never seen it.
If those half naked girls didn't ALLOW Snoop Dogg to parade them around like doggs on leashes we wouldn't have seen it. If Lil' Kim or Trina didn't refer to THEMSELVES as "Bitches and Hoes" maybe men wouldn't think that it's okay to do the same. It's time we take responsibility for the way are perceived. I'm not saying women are at fault... i'm saying we all are.

Monday, April 16, 2007

My day with the Man who could possibly be next President of the United States

FRESH, PROMISING, REAL, IN-TUNE, SINCERE. These are all the words I heared as I listened to people conversate while they waited for Illinois Senator Barack Obama to arrive at his fundraiser in Tampa last Sunday. More than 2,000 people filled the courtyard to hear, and get a glimpse of the man who could very well be our next President.

Florida A&M University's band kept the crowd entertained. A local singer gave a rendition of the Star Spangled Banner.... then with a rousing introduction.... "Senator Obama, America's been waiting for you!"
Obama appeared.

(that's him coming down the stairs... it really is... give me a break people, I took thees pics on my phone!) He's a natural crowd pleaser. From the start he was personable. He praised the band, joked around and even danced a little jig while asking the band members to show us a little of their moves. He gave us a little background information on himself. He talked about his heritage, and touched on the early parts of his political career. He also shared a thought his 8 year old daughter Malia discussed with him shortly after he announced his presidential bid. This was the kids first road trip. Senator Obama says as the family rode on a chartered bus through Iowa his daughters discussed how much fun they were having. Then Malia turned to him and asked, "but what are we doing here?" Obama says that's a question he often asks himself. What he comes up with, is his dream of bringing Americans together for the better of America.
"If there is a child somewhere here in Tampa that cannot read, that makes a difference in my life if that's not my child. It diminishes my life.
"If there's a veteran in Chicago huddling under a bridge, going through Dumpsters because he's homeless after serving his country, you don't have to know that veteran to feel diminished in your patriotism that something like that is allowed to happen."
Senator Obama also touched on the War in Iraq. His stance is congress shouldn't have to wheel and deal to bring troops home because they shouldn't be there in the first place. At this point it doesn't seem like Senator Obama will have any problem bringing America together. As I overheard a woman who appeared to be in her early 70's say, "look around... there are white people here, blacks, asians, hispanics, young and old. Obama is fresh, he has new ideas... he's Kennedy like."

Thursday, April 12, 2007

I'm a FLIRT!

Now I swear to tell the truth and the whole truth.
When it come to dudes I be flirt'n like I was born to,
Smiling like I was born to,
laugh comes right on que...
In the club meeting new friends like I'm supposed to.
I don't understand when a dude that I meet .... at the CLUB.
Thinking just cause I chat with him..... at the CLUB.
That a chick like me trying to holla at him....
Boy please, don't hang around me cause I'm a FLIRT!.....(laughing)

I'm friendly, always smiling, a personable person, some may say a little nosey... but I say that's the inquisitive Journalist in me! I also love meeting new people, and I love to talk. For some reason this gives men the notion that I'm interested in them. When that actually probably only applies to about .5 percent of them.

Note to men:
Just cause a woman engages you in conversation, laughs at your jokes, and smiles at you doen't mean she's "INTERESTED" in you. It could just mean that she's interested in you as a person. Nothing more, Nothing less.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

God made us YOURself.... do YOU.... but STAND by YOUR beliefs.

We live in a world that is not perfect. Prejudices and racism aren't going anywhere. No matter who you are at some point you've done something that may have hurt someone else. Yes, Blacks and other minorities have made great strides in America. But some peoples views will always stay the same. As much as we're alike, to those type of people our skin color makes us SOOOOO different. As you get to know me through my writings, you'll find that I respect people for their honesty and the right to their opinion even if I don't agree with what they say. What I don't respect is people that don't stand by what they believe. By now you've all heard the controversial comments made by Don Imus, on his radio show that's broadcasted on MSNBC.
If you somehow missed it... thanks to YouTube here it is.

And.... if you haven't heard his apology.....

Let's not forget about Michael Richards and his rant.....

And.... his apology....

Oh... I couldn't leave out Tim Hardaway.....

Hardaway issued an apology a week later....

"As an African-American, I know all too well the negative thoughts and feelings hatred and bigotry cause. I regret and apologize for the statements that I made that have certainly caused the same kinds of feelings and reactions. I especially apologize to my fans, friends and family in Miami and Chicago. I am committed to examining my feelings and will recognize, appreciate and respect the differences among people in our society. I regret any embarrassment I have caused the league on the eve of one of their greatest annual events."

Why do people keep apologizing for the way that they feel. Why can't someone stand up and say "I SAID IT!" That's how I feel. It's America, I'm an individual, it's my Opinion! "I'll suffer the backlash, because this is what I believe."

Because the truth is, you can't take words back. It doesn't matter how many times you say your sorry.

Everyone has a right to feel and say what they want.
Don't you think It's so much better to know where you stand with people and where they're coming from?

God made us YOURself.... do YOU.... but always STAND by YOUR beliefs.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

The 70th Precentile

70 percent of African- American women in America are Single. That's 19 percent more than the overall number of single women in this country. I am a card carrying member of that group. I understand that everyone doesn't want to be married, but I'm sure that's the minority of this number. When I heard this stat I became really alarmed. I thought; "what does this mean for me?" I often dream of the day that I'll meet a man that I want to spend the rest of my life with, and one that feels the same about me. I want to get married. I want to have children. Although I'm fairly young, these numbers make me wonder if that will ever be. I'm sitting here thinking about the circle of young women in my life that are of marrying age and only two have tied the knot. The rest of us aren't near the string. One of reasons discussed as to why so many black women were single.... was because we fail to venture out. Honestly, I have no problem with interracial dating. If I met someone that caught my attention then i'd definitely go with it. However, I perfer a BLACK man. I want BROWN babies. I want to perserve the BLACK family. Cause soon we'll be extinct.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Hip- Hop Lives!

Although I love Jay- Z, don't believe him, nor Nas when they say Hip- Hop is dead.
According to this video it's alive.... and kicking!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Do You Love Yourself?

In a day in age where people are bombarded with images of what we should look like, what we should have, and how we should think, It's important that you keep yourself grounded. If God wanted us to all be alike, he would have created us that way. By no way I'm I conceited, but I must say that my parents raised a highly CONFIDENT young woman. Instead of trying to conform to how the world thinks I should be, I embrace who I am. We should all take the time to apprciate our uniqueness, and what we LOVE about ourselves. Here's a few reasons why I LOVE ME!

1) I LOVE being a Black Woman!
2) I LOVE my optimistic outlook!
3) I LOVE my ability to see the good in everything!
4) I LOVE my willingness to trust!
5) I LOVE that I'm always smiling!
6) I LOVE that I don't fall into the stereotypical image of what beauty is!
7) I LOVE my personality!
8) I LOVE that I'm not afraid to take risk!
9) I LOVE that I have a GREAT relationship with my parents!
10) I LOVE that I don't just conform, and that I can be my own person!
11) I LOVE my sense of style!
12) I LOVE that I LOVE life!

I could go on, and on about what I LOVE about myself..... But I'll stop here to give you an opportunity to share what you LOVE about you!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Decide for yourself.......

As a follow-up to yesterday's post here is the response from Starbucks.....

Hello Kimberly,

At Starbucks we are dedicated to serving every customer regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, creed, religion or physical ability.

Starbucks does not have, and has never had, a Non Urban Dictate (N.U.D.) policy, because it would be counter to our culture, mission and guiding principles. One of those principles is to "embrace diversity as an essential component to the way we do business." This dedication to diversity was recognized in 2005 by Diversity, Inc. Magazine when Starbucks was named one of the "Top 25 Notable Companies of Diversity."

Starbucks actively partners with Earvin "Magic" Johnson's Development Corporation to enhance the development of Starbucks retail stores in ethnically diverse neighborhoods across the country. The initial focus of the joint venture is African American and Hispanic American communities. Currently, more than 90 retail locations have been created through this partnership, and each reflects the fabric and character of the neighborhoods they serve.

At this time, our primary means of advertising and promoting the Starbucks brand is through our retail store locations. When we do advertise, we strive to direct our advertising toward the diverse population of people we serve in our stores worldwide. We also team with community newspapers and regional media outlets to advertise and promote Starbucks and employment opportunities with the company.

Thank you again for sharing your thoughts with us. If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact us at or call 1-800-235-2883 to speak with a Customer Relations representative.


Suzanne M.
Customer Relations
Starbucks Coffee Company

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Getting Down to the TRUTH!

As a Woman, and a Black Woman who works in the Media I feel it's my Journalistic duty to make sure minorities are well informed.
Because if we aren't... we lack, when we lack we fall behind..... and falling behind eventually leads to our demise.
A lot of you may have recently read an email circulating on the World Wide Web discussing a marketing term known as N.U.D.,said to be an acronym for "Non Urban Dictate." Here's a copy of what I received Below:

NUD (Non Urban Dictate)
Tom Joyner wants this information to reach his listeners.....
You have probably heard of "NUD" as a result of the Tom Joyner morning show related to CompUSA. NUD is the acronym for a very subtle and little-known marketing term specifically directed toward people of color.
NUD stands for Non Urban Dictate. These three words essentially mean that a company is not interested in the Black consumer. A NUD label means that a company does not want their marketing and advertising materials placed in media that claim an urban audience(black folks)as their main target. There are legitimate reasons for companies not using urban radio.
It may be that Blacks don't index high in certain categories or that a company's strategy is to market to the Black consumer down the road after they have established a strong position in their primary target.
But NUD usually means that a company is not interested in the Black consumer. Companies evade discrimination liability by embracing it as theory rather than policy.
As a service to Black consumers, the Urban Institute will list all companies that have a NUD policy. Armed with this information, we feel that Black consumers will be able to make informed buying decisions.
Companies with NUD policies:
a.. Starbucks
b.. Jos. A Bank
c.. CompUSA
d.. Weight Watchers
e.. Keebler
f.. Life Savers
g. Continental Airlines
h.. Northwest Airlines
i.. America West Airlines
j.. HBO - Apollo Series
k.. Paternal Importers
l.. Calico Corners
m.. OM Scott
n.. Pepperidge Farms
o.. Ethan Allen
p.. Busy Body Fitness
q.. Mondavi Wines
r.. Builders Square
s.. Don Pablo
t.. Lexus
u.. Aruba Tourism
v.. Ciba Vision
w.. Kindercare
x.. Grady Restaurant
y.. Eddie Bauer

Please forward this information on to any other consumer that you consider a friend and advise them to do likewise. Remember, we can't act wisely unless we are informed wisely.

The Urban Institute
2100 M Street, NW.
Washington , DC 20037

After much research I found that this information was posted all over the Internet.
Some sites debunked it as a mere chain letter, while others took it to be the truth as if God had spoken himself. So I decided to go straight to the "alleged" writers of this message. Here's what they had to say:

Non-Urban Dictates
April 5, 2002 — "The Urban Institute, a nonprofit, nonpartisan research and educational organization, has been incorrectly cited in circulating e-mail and fax lists of companies with "non urban dictates," or N.U.D.s (NUDs). The email and fax incorrectly cite the Urban Institute as the organization that compiles or maintains the "NUD list."

The Urban Institute is not in any way associated with the purported research or with any supposed list of companies with NUDs, and never was. It has nonetheless been inundated with inquiries.

The Urban Institute was wrongfully credited with maintaining the "NUD list" four years ago, thanks to what is assumed to be a misspelling of Urban Insite—an organization that once claimed responsibility for the NUD list. Later iterations of the circulating email include the Urban Institute's address, phone number and Internet address. The fax version includes falsified Urban Institute letterhead.

As a response to numerous phone inquiries, the Urban Institute has dedicated a special phone line to explain the issue at (202) 261-5779."

You can also check it out here for yourself. Urban Institute

I also check out Tom Joyner's site and there was no mention of the email.
There's always two sides to every story..... and as a "confessed- addicted- shopper," some of the places on this list I frequent often.
As a journalist I'm taught to go to the source.... stay tuned for their takes!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

What's your taste.... umm, umm GOOD!

Everybody's tastebuds are different when it comes to what type of arm candy they like. Earlier today I read an article discussing relationship patterns, and things women are attracted to, and what your attractions say about you. This got me to thinking about the type of men that I like. Although I like to think variety is the spice of life.... when I think about it, just about every man I've ever been attracted to has had similar qualities. From regular Joes, to my celebrity loves. I like men who exude confidence, one who walks like he owns the world. Well dressed is a must, but an original swagger of your own is needed. One who's well rounded, that can go from the Board room to the Basketball court and still get respect. A sence of humor, loyalty, respect and honesty also topped my list. The man I like does this all while staying cool, calm, and collected. He also must have class.
What I learned is that I like men with Power, but take it in stride. Below is a couple of my celebrity crushes over the years, can you see the resemblence in my attractions from what we know about their public lives?

Shaquille O'neal Shawn Carter

Sean Combs Barack Obama
Ladies and Gents feel free to share with us your favorite treat!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Is This The Ennnnnnnnnnd.......... (in the tune of New Edition)

Ever tried to hold on to a friendship and the other person starts to let go their end of the bargain? We've been the best of friends for almost 10 years, our anniversary date is May 5th to be exact. We're the type of friends that has stood by each other through thick and then.... you know Thelma and Louise, Bonnie & Clyde, Dolce& Gabanna..... okay, maybe I went a little to far... but you get the point. Now all of a sudden my friend wants to act up. Out of almost ten years we've never argued once. We always had each others back. We've been on so many trips, shouldn't that count for anything? Numerous trips to Miami, Tallahasse, Jacksonville, and Tampa when we moved to Miramar. We have history! Now you want to turn your back on me when I need you the most. I can admit that I may have neglected my friend sometimes when she wanted to go to the beauty shop and I convinced you to go every place but there. And I'm truly sorry. I tried to make it up to you last month I spent almost $800 on you. But no, that's not enough. Yesterday You asked for $200 more, and I dished that out too. Now today you're asking for $200 dollars again! Plus, I have to miss work? I'm really trying to hold on to this friendship for selfish reasons yall, .......... cause I'm not ready to buy a new Car! I guess it's true when they say.... "When it rains, it pours!"

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Trying to Change.....

I tried, and I'm trying.... I really am. You have to beleive me! But some people cause people who are trying to revert back to old ways. Seeing Tyler Perry's "Daddy's Little Girls" got me to thinking about this guy I went out with..
However, for you to get this story I have to tell you a little about me. You see just like a lot of young, smart, attractive women with confidence.... I HAVE STANDARDS! Yes, I had "The List".... you know the one where the man of my dreams had to meet a long list of requirements. But..... with the lack of potential candidates I decided maybe I needed to change my ways. You know give others a chance. With that said I began my new adventure at the start of 2006. Believe me I've met my share of characters. For instance the liar who was married with three children ( he said he was divorced with one).... and I host of other shall I say ummmm. .... IDIOTS that I shall not waste another minute blogging about.
Which all brings me back to "Daddy's Little Girls." Tyler Perry hit it dead on with the ghetto guy in the restuarant. My date was a little different, but yet funny all the same. For the sake of not embarassing this guy anymore than he does on his own... I'll keep his name to myself.
When I met this guy he used the lame line "Do I know you from somewhere?" I should have ran then, but my feet was helping me keep my promise of being open to new possibilities and wouldn't let me move. Plus he was a cutie and had a body like he invented the word gym. After a little chit-chat I told him I needed to get to work. We exchanged numbers and I headed off to work. I usually don't work on the weekends but I was filling in for someone. Anyway, hours into the evening I got the second sign telling me I should run....... This dude sent me a text message two text long. It went a little something like this:
I'm not sure if you'll be tired when you get off but if you're not maybe we can catch a movie? If that's not possible we can go to breakfast in the morning, church, or meet up at a sports bar if you are into football, or none of the above......
I guess I took a little too long to respond, because before I could text him back he was calling. My friends convinced me to go ahead and meet him at the movies, however before I could get home, get dressed, and get out the door this dude had called me like five freakin times!
The first time he was trying to chat...... I'm like dude... I'm getting dressed. The second time he called to ask if I wanted a sandwhich from Chick-fil-a.... and the other calls was to see had I left the house yet! Damn, he was already getting on my last nerve. I have to go back..... A SANDWHICH FROM CHICK-FIL-A what the hell! This is a first date! Fast forward to the theater. I'm standing out front and I see him walking up.... I'm noticing something in his hands. I was really confused because it really didn't look like flowers. Why did this dude hand me two hot bottle of Propel... talking about "put these in your purse so we'll have something to drink during the movies! LOL..... at this point I think I was in shock.... Propel in my Betsy Johnson! Please, If I wanted something to drink that bad I'd buy it myself. Anyway, once inside the theater he kept looking at me and smiling.. it was just weird.

It was a late movie and because I hadn't eaten dinner we wen't to Steak 'n Shake beacuse nothing else was open. We ordered, and we talked, and talked, and we talked. Waitress brought the bill, and we talked, waitress came by the table, still talking, he picked up the bill looked at it, sat it down pulled no money out of his pocket... still talking. By now I'm my jaws hurt. So I toss my debit card on the table. He even had the nerve to comment on it... "Oh... are you a Miami Dolphins fan?" What he should have said was.......oh... no I got that... are you ready to go? I was enjoying your company so much that's why I hadn't paid.... he should have said something like that.
By this time I was so ready to go. To keep this short let's skip to the following Monday. The text read....... I'm low on minutes and they don't start over until tomorrow...... in a minute I'll text you a number where you can call me..... twenty minutes later here comes the number... I know he's not expecting me to call a pay phone. Two minutes after the text... here he comes calling ... You didn't get my text? Again.... What in the hell? Lets just say that phone call lasted less than 60 seconds... and all the ones after that were rolled to voice mail until he got the hint! Needless to say... I tried, and I'm still trying. Ladies and Gents can you relate? Hit me up in the comments if you can.